Friday, June 4, 2010

How Do You Strengthen Nails ? DO you ?

I'm telling you man...things go down hill from 25. Or at least I am feeling that way. Is it genetics ? I know my family is not the best at looking 30 when you are 50 but does it all really start so soon ? At 26 ?

Till 25, I never had any issues. And now suddenly my dentist wants me to come in often, my skin is a recurring dry nightmare and as of yesterday its my nails . They seem so weak and the nail on my toe has some weak furrows on it.

What's next bones ?

I'm not ready for this. Not already !

(Nahi - Hindi for No)

Could you guys please help me with some tips on strengthening nails. Give it to me. I'll try anything.
Help me.
Help me, please.

For now I have been using the Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment (Strength). Its only been a day. Too soon for iron clad nails. But I'd like to think it'll help.

In Other News

I thought I'd share a pic of my eye makeup for today.

Second shade from Flirt Totally Bronze Style Box + Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner - Forest Shimmer Ink + Julie Hewett Omit Pencil on waterline.

Indian Girl